

Video Shows Joint Replacement Surgery Alternative! Is This What You've Been Looking For?

What if there was a simple, natural way to get rid of that nagging, joy-stealing joint pain that didn’t come with any risk...

By Anna Reah | Life Daily Trends

Published July 7, 2024 6:30am EDT

Dr. Josh Levitt here with some disturbing news…

In over 20+ years of clinical practice working with thousands of patients…

I know that JOINT PAIN…

Especially in the knees, hips, back and neck…

Are extremely common in people over 40.

And by the time we reach 50…

There is almost nobody who says that all of their joints feel great.

It’s almost as if when the clock strikes 50, the system begins to break down.

Sometimes the pain sets in after a “real” injury like a sprain or a strain or an accident.

Other times it’s just sleeping, or sneezing, or stepping off a curb.

But no matter how it happens…

When the pain starts to impact your quality of life…

Your mood…

Your ability to do the things you love to do…

You’re going to look for a solution.

The first place most people look is the medicine cabinet or their local pharmacy.

It usually starts with over-the-counter “painkillers”.

You know the ones…

Aspirin, Ibuprofen, Acetaminophen, Naproxen…

And from there it bumps up to the prescription versions…

Which are ever more potent – and more dangerous.

And then…injections.

Usually with a corticosteroid that will reduce inflammation temporarily.

But destroy bones in the process.

And finally, when the pharmacy is out of options…your doctor tells you that:

You NEED Surgery


Do you really?

In 1953 Dr. Paul Hawley, the Director of the American College of Surgeons (ACS), published an editorial in the New York Times that said, “the public would be shocked if it knew the amount of unnecessary surgery performed…”

Then, in 1976 the American Medical Association (AMA) reported that there were 2.4 million unnecessary operations performed every year on Americans…

Caused the death of 11,900 men and women like you and me…

And costing the industry over $3.9 billion.

And today…?

The wheel keeps churning, and the pattern continues.

In fact, data from the most recent studies suggest that at least 11% of all surgeries are considered unnecessary or inappropriate.

That’s millions of Americans who are going under the knife who shouldn’t.

What Should You Do INSTEAD?

Millions of people go under the knife each year, searching for relief from pain and mobility issues. Expectations for a new lease on life are high, and they genuinely believe that the devices will deliver. And… sometimes they do – but oftentimes they don’t!

Sadly, many are not educated on less invasive, non-surgical options and feel that replacement is the only way.

No matter what type of joint pain you may be experiencing, alternatives available may help alleviate some if not all of your symptoms without needing surgery.

That’s right, there is a light at the end of the tunnel…

Because, new research has surfaced about a secret new approach that’s quietly helping millions find relief and freedom from pain…

So, if you’re like me…

And want to do everything you can to avoid unnecessarily going “under the knife…”

If you want real, lasting relief from knee pain…

hip & back pain…


pain while walking or moving…

The kind of pain that keeps you from getting deep, restorative sleep…

Then, this 30-second “Morning Trick” could literally change your life.

And when you use it, you’ll start feeling relief from inflammation-related pain and stiffness throughout your body.

My patients can’t stop raving about it. So, I created a short presentation to show you exactly how to do it.

But you must act fast…

This video has gotten so much attention, major pharma companies are trying to get it taken down… so I don’t know for much longer it’ll be available.

So you should click here now to watch this short presentation. And start feeling relief from pain once and for all!

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*This information does not constitute medical advice and it should not be relied upon as such. Consult with your doctor before modifying your regular medical regime. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Results may vary/may not be typical. Reviews or testimonials may be fictionalized. We are dedicated to bringing readers valuable information, which can help them accomplish their financial and lifestyle goals. Our disclaimer is that this site does receive compensation for product reviews and referrals or purchases made through our links. This page is an advertisement/advertorial. The story depicted here is for demonstration purposes only and everyone’s results may vary. We hope you find our online resource informative and helpful. This site is in no way affiliated with any news source. This site contains affiliate and partner links. This website and the company that owns it is not responsible for any typographical or photographic errors. If you do not agree to our terms and policies, then please leave this site immediately. All trademarks, logos, and service marks (collectively the “Trademarks”) displayed are registered and/or unregistered Trademarks of their respective owners. Contents of this website are copyrighted property of the reviewer and/or this website.

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